To the One I Love
To the One I Love
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To the One I Love

What if the one you love were destined to lose his eyesight in three months? What would you like him to see last? If you were him, what would you want to see last? Shiki Tomokawa is a new pediatrician who is enjoying her life. She falls in love with Shunsuke, a cameraman, who is destined to lose his eyesight in a couple of months. How will Shiki react when she finds out Shunsuke's destiny? "To the One I Love" takes place in two contrasting cities?in the hustle and bustle of Tokyo, and in the peaceful city of Nagasaki, and depicts both the joys and sadness of life, and the interaction with family and friends.

Detalhes do Filme
Titúlo Original愛し君へ
Onde Assistir

Miho Kanno como: Shiki Tomokawa

Miho Kanno

Shiki Tomokawa
藤木直人 como: Shunsuke Azumi


Shunsuke Azumi
伊東美咲 como: Ai Asakura


Ai Asakura
玉木宏 como: Shingo Orihara


Shingo Orihara
時任三郎 como: Keisuke Furuya


Keisuke Furuya