Birthday Letter
Birthday Letter
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Birthday Letter

A drama about an old man who is lost in the memories of 1945 Hiroshima after getting an unforgettable birthday letter from his first love.

Detalhes do Filme
Titúlo Original생일편지
Onde Assistir

Jo Soo-min como: Yeo Il-Ae (Young)

Jo Soo-min

Yeo Il-Ae (Young)
Kim Kyung-nam como: Goo Ki-woong

Kim Kyung-nam

Goo Ki-woong
Song Geon-hee como: Kim Moo-gil (Young)

Song Geon-hee

Kim Moo-gil (Young)
Jeon So-min como: Kim Jae-yeon

Jeon So-min

Kim Jae-yeon
Jung Young-sook como: Yeo Il-ae (Old)

Jung Young-sook

Yeo Il-ae (Old)