The Pro Bono Watchman
The Pro Bono Watchman
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The Pro Bono Watchman

A story of devotion

An old man divides his time between sitting with his dying wife and monitoring the visits between a 6 year old girl and her wayward father who has a violent past.

Detalhes do Filme
Titúlo OriginalThe Pro Bono Watchman
Custo ProduçãoR$ 150.000,00
Onde Assistir

Mike Gassaway como: Hank Cassidy

Mike Gassaway

Hank Cassidy
Kariana Karhu como: Bonnie Gentry

Kariana Karhu

Bonnie Gentry
George  Welder como: Lemarcus Gentry

George Welder

Lemarcus Gentry
Kelli Ball Grant como: Lilian Cassidy

Kelli Ball Grant

Lilian Cassidy