Blackout bei Wellmanns
Blackout bei Wellmanns
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Blackout bei Wellmanns

Thomas Wellmann is an electrical engineer at the municipal utilities in a small town and is replaced by an AI in his mid-50s. Then a prolonged power cut becomes the trigger for Thomas to prepare himself, his wife and his two daughters for an emergency...

Detalhes do Filme
Titúlo OriginalBlackout bei Wellmanns
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Wotan Wilke Möhring como: Thomas Wellmann

Wotan Wilke Möhring

Thomas Wellmann
Jördis Triebel como: Eva Wellmann

Jördis Triebel

Eva Wellmann
Daria Wolf como: Paula Wellmann

Daria Wolf

Paula Wellmann
Josefine Keller como: Jenny Wellmann

Josefine Keller

Jenny Wellmann
Hannes Wegener como: Peter Leschke

Hannes Wegener

Peter Leschke