A Letter of Love
A Letter of Love
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A Letter of Love

Moments before he will be executed by the French Intervention Army, the liberal leader reads a love letter by his girlfriend. His memories provide the poetic pictures of this romantic historical drama.

Detalhes do Filme
Titúlo OriginalUna carta de amor
Onde Assistir

Jorge Negrete como: Jefe Liberal

Jorge Negrete

Jefe Liberal
Gloria Marín como: Marta Maria Mireles

Gloria Marín

Marta Maria Mireles
Andrés Soler como: Coronel Arturo Gonzalon

Andrés Soler

Coronel Arturo Gonzalon
Emma Roldán como: Nana Lupe

Emma Roldán

Nana Lupe
Mimí Derba como: Doña Rosa

Mimí Derba

Doña Rosa